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Are School Report Cards Effective?

Type: Research
Author(s): Cameron, Moses, Gillies
Year of Publishing: 2006
Keywords: Are School Report Cards Effective?, Education Data, Information, Learning Outcomes
Education decentralization requires that substantial information be available to local and regional stakeholders. Several countries have successfully piloted school-level information systems known as ‘school report cards’ to promote best practices and involve community members in the reform process. Comment

Are School Report Cards Effective?

Type: Research
Author(s): Cameron, Moses, Gillies
Year of Publishing: 2006
Keywords: Are School Report Cards Effective?, Education Data, Information, Learning Outcomes
Education decentralization requires that substantial information be available to local and regional stakeholders. Several countries have successfully piloted school-level information systems known as ‘school report cards’ to promote best practices and involve community members in the reform process. Comment

Accurate Demographic Data Needed

Type: Research
Author(s): Moses
Year of Publishing: 2004
Keywords: Accurate Demographic Data Needed, Education Data, Information, Learning Outcomes
Virtually every governmental ministry and supporting organization requires accurate census data to judge demand for services. This is particularly true of health and education ministries, which require good population data by single age, gender, and location. However, some countries still use old and innacurate data. Comment

Strengthening Accountability and Participation: School Self-Assessment in Namibia

Type: Research
Author(s): Moses
Year of Publishing: 2004
Keywords: Strengthening Accountability and Participation: School Self-Assessment in Namibia, Decentralization in Education Systems, Decentralization, Namibia
The school self-assessment (SSA) system in Namibia was developed to respond to the Ministry of Education’s need to monitor and evaluate education results despite its chronic lack of funds. The SSA system is a core tool that helps communities and parents contribute constructively to educational improvement. Comment
