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Thoughts on an Early Childhood Care and Education Index

Type: Research
Author(s): Barrow, Sommerfelt, Wils, Levine
Year of Publishing: 2008
Keywords: Education for All, early childhood, health, vulnerable children
This paper explores 58 education and health related indicators for use in an early childhood index which could be used, among other purposes, to monitor the first Education for All Goal: Expanding and improving comprehensive early childhood care and education, especially for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children. Comment

Thoughts on an Early Childhood Care and Education Index

Type: Research
Author(s): Barrow, Sommerfelt, Wils, Levine
Year of Publishing: 2008
Keywords: Education for All, early childhood, health, vulnerable children
This paper explores 58 education and health related indicators for use in an early childhood index which could be used, among other purposes, to monitor the first Education for All Goal: Expanding and improving comprehensive early childhood care and education, especially for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children. Comment

What Works in Expanding School Participation

Type: Research
Author(s): Dusen
Year of Publishing: 2008
Keywords: Education growth, enrollment, completion, education expansion, participation
The paper identifies some of the key government policies responsible for the rapid expansion in primary enrollment and completion prior to 2005, and explores the likelihood of continued expansion and the implications of expansion for individuals and the countries as a whole. Comment

EQUIP Associate Awards Project Analyses, 2003-2005

Type: Research
Author(s): EQUIP2
Year of Publishing: 2007
Keywords: EQUIP Associate Awards Project Analyses, Education Data, Information, Learning Outcomes, Cambodia, Djibouti, Egypt, El Salvador, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Jordan, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Namibia, Nicaragua, Senegal, Uganda, Zambia
This report should be reviewed in conjunction with the EQUIP2 meta-evaluation of USAID education projects, to be completed in the first quarter of 2007. The combined reports will provide useful insights into the nature of USAID investments over a 15 year period. The information in the patterns report can be further analyzed and incorporated into developing EQUIP and USAID research questions. Comment

What Does History Teach Us in Achieving UPE and UPC for Education for All 2015?

Type: Research
Author(s): EPDC
Year of Publishing: 2007
Keywords: Education trends, education growth, enrollment, completion, Education for All
This policy brief analyzes long-term historical trends of education growth (1950-2000) in 70 developing countries. It presents four general observations on long-term growth trends, and four policy recommendations to accelerate and support growth. Comment

Educational Inequality within Countries: Who are the Out of School Children?

Type: Research
Author(s): EPDC
Year of Publishing: 2007
Keywords: Education inequality, policy, out of school children
This policy brief calculates the correlation of school attendance with four characteristics of pupils - household income, region of residence, urban/rural residence, and gender - and finds independent relations for each of the four characteristics. The relations are strongest for income and region, and weakest for gender. Comment

Does Stakeholder Collaboration Improve Education Quality?

Type: Research
Author(s): Kendall
Year of Publishing: 2006
Keywords: Does Stakeholder Collaboration Improve Education Quality?, education system reform, education quality
Policymakers, donors, and project implementers must ensure that education quality improvement efforts are perceived as successful by a wide variety of international, national, and local stakeholders. They face this challenge of defining success from diverse perspectives while maintaining control over resources and meeting demands for measurable, sustainable outcomes. Comment

Stakeholder Collaboration: An Imperative for Education Quality

Type: Research
Author(s): Jon Herstein
Year of Publishing: 2006
Keywords: Stakeholder Collaboration: An Imperative for Education Quality, education system reform, education quality
This paper takes an updated look at the Education Reform Support series and attemptsto consolidate many of its theories, frameworks,and operational guidelines. This paper starts with the more general and theoretical considerations, and then moves to the more operational and concrete issues. Comment

Strengthening Gender and Education Programming in the 21st Century

Type: Research
Author(s): Kendall
Year of Publishing: 2006
Keywords: Strengthening Gender and Education Programming in the 21st Century, the impact of education across sectors, Malawi
This paper explores the current status of gender equity in education by examining the USAID-funded Girls’ Attainment in Basic Literacy and Education (GABLE) project in Malawi from 1991 to 2003. It was one of the earliest and most successful efforts to promote a gender parity approach to girls’ education. This study describes some of the project’s positive outcomes and unintended consequences. Comment

Looking Below the Surface: Reaching the Out of School Children

Type: Research
Author(s): Wils, Zhao, Hartwell
Year of Publishing: 2006
Keywords: Out of school children, school attendance, sub-national regions, development
This working paper is the first in the series of EPDC papers to describe large sub-national school attendance differentials in 30 developing countries. The paper finds that sub-national attendance differentials are correlated with the overall development context within sub-national regions. Comment
